I had completely forgotten that I had this collector’s palette – it was designed as a touch up on the go product for face, cheeks and lips.
As a very detailed replica of an actual Lady Dior bag, it has a key chain attached so presumably you would hang it from your handbag to take your make up with you – or on the key chain attachment thingy inside that some bags have. I mean, I think I probably would have if I had a Lady Dior (which I don’t) because it’s so cute but in any case this was destined for the ‘keep-forever’ box and so, here it is.
The detailing really is incredible – the work that went into production must have been huge and little wonder that 11 years ago, it was Dior’s most expensive beauty accessory at around £68. I’ve subsequently seen these on Ebay for £145.
So, the contents. One deep pink-taupe shade and one shimmery peach – they’re both cremes so you could pick and mix what you want on lips or cheeks and even the shimmer to put on cheekbones or lids. The shimmer has a little bit of bloom due to degradation but there’s no smell to it – absolutely nothing at all.
Otherwise, it’s in absolutely perfect condition – still shiny and immaculate. The other things I should say about it is that it’s quite heavy and there were apparently 3 different colour versions allocated by region with one being a US Sephora exclusive. This one is 002 French Chic. I’m going to say it – they just don’t make things like they used to!
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