Although Lancome’s emblem is a rose, cherubs cropped up more often than you might think in the 2000’s – including the 2007 Pop Cherub Palette that had a little silver cherub clasp with a pink disk and a different 2008 bronzer from their Cabana Bronze collection. This particular product, that I’m showing today, is an illuminating powder for their Christmas collection 2009. It’s weird they brought back cherubs three years in a row but I’m not complaining.

Bronzers and illuminators are really the perfect place to get creative – you have a wide enough surface to give some impactful detail and some good colours to play with adding in highlight shades such as the pink heart – which now I think about it perhaps represents Cupid.

You can see that the sparkles are multi-shade – maybe this was the precursor to the ultra-glows that exist now. I can’t find a price to see how much it was 11 years ago but one of the big eye-openers about doing background research for these products is how expensive make up is now and also how much information is no longer accessible – Google has wiped out so much ‘old’ content.
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