I know that Mother’s Day is problematic for many – I’m pleased to see that several brand e-mails I get regularly have an opt out of emails that focus on the subject. So, this Friday treat is for either or – just as lovely a treat for anyone special in your life and equally for yourself. I am craving colour so much at the moment and the weather just isn’t playing ball. I’ve already ordered a yellow sun umbrella at 7.30 this morning because at least if the sun isn’t out I can look at that instead! I’m ordering a couple of the RHS flowery watering cans for friends (my mum requested underwear because it’s so long since she went to a shop … but they’ve had a haphazard journey so far because I accidentally sent them to my sister who was somewhat surprised to find herself in ownership of cotton up-to-the-neck knickers and some magnolia talc).

Over the past year I’ve come to know my garden better – weeding (and there were many) was such a good way to be busy at a time when I didn’t quite know what to do with myself. Last spring and summer’s work has paid off so now I have room to plant things and inject colour. I know I’m lucky to have it. Anyway, perusing the TKMaxx (another guilty pleasure) ‘new in’ section, I found these RHS Watering Cans for £9.99. Smaller ones are £7.99.

There are several designs, not just the ones I’m showing here, and I think they’re such a lovely upgrade on a utilitarian item – beautiful and useful. They’re HERE. Non-affiliate is HERE.

If you’re a fan of Cowshed, everything is more or less half price HERE taking this body lotion from £32 to £14.99.
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