[unpaid/sample/affiliate/ad] The need for tanning mitts is obvious – save the finger staining which is the ultimate give-away that your tan came from a bottle. Even when I was applying the gradual tan I was doing a bit of mental juggling about how to then wash my hands and not remove any of the tan from the tops of my hands. The annoying thing is that I already had the mitts but forgot to use them.

Every year, Velvotan brings out some new designs – this year, tropical, zebra, cherry and a slogan ‘Glow Girl’. It’s always a sign, in beauty world, that summer is nigh! Bottom line is that decoration doesn’t affect performance but it’s just nicer, I think, to have pretty instead of plain sometimes. If you haven’t used a tanning mitt before, they really do take the guess work out of applying self tan – it’s a smoother, more foolproof application although if you’re using a gradual tan that’s heavily moisturising you’re probably better with gloves but for everything else, mitts are it! The tropical version has launched on Amazon so far, with the others on their way (familiar delays!) for £2.99 HERE.
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