I love this colour mix of brown and white – it’s a very non-obvious choice and not a combination you see often in beauty. Givenchy Christmas 2015 is a mix of super-sparkles and earthy shades – very wearable (maybe not the mascara so much) and please don’t ask me why, but I think quite Russian in vibe. Maybe it’s the image in my mind’s eye of fur coats and frost hardened snow…

As you can see, the exterior of La Palette Glace and Le Rouge Givenchy (in Rouge Glace) are where the shimmer happens, but there’s also sparkle happening on the inside as well.

The main lighting happens on the first brown on the top row and the last green/brown on the top row, and finally the white shade – it’s all iridesence and can be used to ‘top coat’ any of the other shades or just to wear as an icy sheer on bare lids. That’s when the brown mascara comes into it’s own, because those two together are a very strong and striking look.

I would have to say that the swatching was variable – the third shade along (brown/green) was actually a little crumbly, but the mattes were lovely and smooth, although you’d need a couple of applications to get them at intensity. The white shade just needs a mere sweep of a brush to ‘frost’ the lids.

The Liner Vinyl is in Bronze Glace – a very shimmery bronze shade. I don’t get the ‘vinyl’ aspect of this and it’s a colour that I think could look amazing under the lower lash line but it seems too light to wear on top if you’re used to the weight of black. The mascara, in a medium brown, gives a kind of stark look to lashes (think Tilda Swinton) – it’s interesting and definitely ‘a look’, but again, if you’re used to black it might seem too light.

I love Le Rouge in Rouge Glace – it’s what brings the whole look to life I think. I don’t, as yet, have prices and launch date, but what do you think of brown for Christmas? Adventure or misadventure?
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