After all the love for the beautiful blushes from yesterday, the Too Faced Love Palette is just a bit too busy for me. There’s so much going on that I can’t sort it out in my head! I know that if you divide it visually into three palettes of five shades it’s easier, but they’ve crammed so much in that winkling out the colours without accidentally crossing the lines isn’t easy.

However, I love the way that Too Faced has tucked some instructions into the lid of the palette – it’s easy to assume that everyone will just look at this palette and know what to do, but that’s not really the case. It’s good to have some guidance.

I also like that the Too Faced Love Palette includes a liner instead of a brush – it’s very rare that you get a decent brush as a palette insert so rather than include something that won’t get used, they’ve opted for something that will!
Generally, I really like Too Faced products but this time, it’s a pass for me personally. You can find the Too Faced Love Palette HERE for £35.
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