[productsample/affiliatelink] I was at the launch of this product recently – it was the thing I was least interested in at the time and have subsequently not been able to make any sense of it. At the same time, I absolutely love it! Hear me out…

The Endless Summer Bronzer is a mineral powder bronzer that is infused with a ‘glow complex’ that makes you more bronzed as time goes on. Like a gradual tan bronzer. Previously, I couldn’t think of any situation where I’d want my make up to get more strong in colour during the day – I still can’t, actually. It’s not like, with a powder bronzer, that you’re going to cover your entire neck and face with it so the idea that bits of your face get more tanned looking while other bits doesn’t make any sense at all to me! However…

…I’ve been putting it on my cheeks before going out to walk Honey and by the time I get back I look quite healthy and radiant without assuming a ski-goggle, panda-eye type effect across my face. It’s such a strange product. You need only to whisper your brush over it before applying – I tend to do the really safe option of a bit over the cheeks and a tiny, tiny cross of the brush down my nose. Not a great deal of colour shows at first so don’t be fooled into thinking you need more because you really won’t. Somehow the ‘bonne mine’ effect just happens imperceptibly – a kind of ‘just got back from a sunshine walk’ sun-flush – I’m absolutely amazed! Usually, things don’t improve, looks wise, from being out – in fact, it’s usually a steady decline (!!) – so this is something of a beauty revelation. When all else has faded off, your complexion will still look warm and well.

My natural shade is the top one – a cooler toned bronzer called Faux Tan. The other shade is Warmth. They’re £26 each, but I’ve found them at Escentual for £22.10 which seems more reasonable. Head HERE, non aff HERE.
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