Okay, so I am going to have to issue a little warning here about these glue-on nails.

The nails with a raised design (above) are murder to get off… part of the problem is that you need to file the top down to break the seal and this allows the remover (you need a special gel nail remover to soak these off) to penetrate and dissolve the nail. However, unless you’ve got some kind of industrial file, it’s impossible to file down the nobbles and therefore to break the seal.
Even using the foil/cotton wool method, the nail took a very long time to soften – they’re extremely thick with those nobbles – and I’m talking nearly an hour.
Even then, it’s damaged my nail. So, knock yourselves out on the smooth ones where you can easily file, and that aren’t as thick but unless you’re up for the above, avoid the nobbles! I think I’ve also got to question how good it can be to use super-glue on your nails.
Actually, the above pictures are good to note that the Gel Perfect polish is still going strong after four days – a minor miracle for my nails because I’m always typing so they take a lot of bashing. I have one minor chip on the thumb and that’s pretty much it.
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