Friends with January birthdays often get wintery-type presents, when they’d really rather have something more spring like (I know, I have a January birthday!). I’ve spotted the Clinique Pink & Plush Set and think it’s exactly right for a girlfriend gift post-Christmas. Personally, the minute the tree is down, I’m ready to cast off all the dark colours and really start to crave brights (last year my bright craving was soothed by a coral cashmere sweater – this year so far, it’s the forthcoming Estee Lauder spring nail polishes that are doing it).
Inside the bright and cheery bag, you’ll find Chubby Stick Intense in Plushest Punch, Nail Enamel in light candy pink called Sweet Tooth and a High Impact Black Mascara (3.5ml). I think the Clinique Pink & Plush Set is a bit of a snip at £20 HERE, and it’s birthdays taken care of from now til end of summer. The nail and lip colours are totally wearable – not adventurous maybe, but I reckon it’s mistake proof. I mean, how could you not like it?!
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