[unpaid/sample/ad/affiliate] I know there has been so much hype over this product but I never felt inspired to try it for some reason. I’m not much of a self tanner and I guess when I was out and about all the time, a potential disaster seemed more, well, disasterous! Now, with pretty much only the ducks to see the results, I’ve been applying this daily for a week or so and can 100% confirm, the hype is right!

My tone has gained a little natural warmth and I think that’s important – some warmth behind always has a more natural result than starting on white. It’s simple as anything to use – you can add directly to your skin or mix with moisturiser (which is what I’ve been doing) and slowly but surely, a golden glow emerges. Actually, I don’t particularly like that editorial term – what I mean is that your skin will look deeper in tone and more sun-hit but in a nicely even way without the irregularity of natural tanning.

As the name suggests, it contains hyaluronic acid, but despite that, I still found it slightly drying. I’ve been really happy with my skin balance over the past few weeks and yesterday needed to add extra moisturiser for the first time in ages. That said, it doesn’t give dry patches so there is no chance of it clinging in certain parts. It’s a clever formula – fatty acid rich plant extracts (avocado oil, for example) that feels lovely on the skin. It’s got 4% DHA – a bit of a magic number for not giving you gravy-face overnight but warming enough that you’ll see a difference that continues to magnify for as long as you keep adding. Use two drops if you’re worried about over-doing things – four if you want a faster effect. I really like this – I’m barely going anywhere near foundation or tints so it’s a perfect security blanket for not quite bare skin. It’s £35 HERE, non affiliate HERE.
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