There are some products that completely define a brand – Rosewater Balancing Mist is Jurlique’s best seller and I have never come across anyone who didn’t fall completely in love with it. While there are definitely near-immediate skin benefits to the mix of four rose extracts (plus hibiscus rose sinensis) in terms of hydrating, softening and smoothing, the real joy of this is in the sensory experience.

If you can transport yourself to a searingly hot day, when your skin feels overwhelmed and sweaty, a spritz of Jurlique Rosewater Balancing Mist Intense straight from the fridge is a heaven-sent experience. It feels like a fine spray of water with such a strong but fresh rose fragrance that if it doesn’t make you sigh with happiness, you need to check your nose! Honestly, a beauty of an ‘all-for-the-pleasure’ product – who cares if it’s supposed to brighten and whatever else? I’d also put this high on the list of ‘treat’ products if you’re prone to night sweats – the ghastliness of waking over-heated and cross is somewhat lessened by a generous rose infused spritz. Even at £45, these annual limited editions sell out completely. Launch date is 4th April (and 5% of sales go to the London Wildlife Trust).
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