It’s really hard for new mascaras to make a chink in the stronghold that L’Oreal and Benefit has on the mascara market in the UK. Don’t even start me on mascara brush patents – you would think every single permutation of a mascara brush has already been invented, but no! Still they come. In this case, the brush (technically speaking, the 4D Amplifier) is trademarked to bareMinerals with its long and short bristle sides (although I could swear that’s been done before).

If you weren’t told that one side of the brush is different to the other I don’t think you’d notice to be honest. In application, you get a steady and uniform coating with decent separation and absolutely no clumping. The brush shape does tuck nicely under the lashes and coats all of them – I noticed that after two coats my lashes looked significantly longer. BUT….

…I didn’t find the last to be amazing. Whether I had an extra eye-rubbing day, I don’t know – I didn’t think so – but there just wasn’t as much at the end of the day as there had been at the beginning. There wasn’t any smudging or flaking so I have no idea where it went! On my testing results, I’d say that if you don’t mind a possible touch up during the day, there is lovely accuracy with this mascara that builds up lashes beautifully, and it’s a good brush if you have hooded lids that can get in the way of application because it’s not too big and unweildy.
It’s £25 (I would love to pull it apart and see whether the triangular ‘tube’ is full of product or if there is a regular insert within the casing. It looks big but it’s 9.4g (Clinique mascaras are 8g for example) and also.. how do you get all the product out if it exists in a triangle and the brush is a cone? It’s HERE if you fancy it.
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