I love to discover new gold temporary tattoo collections, and Superdrug has a winner here with the Lottie London Treasure Tatts. I always thought that all tattoos were equal, but these seem to be better than many that I’ve tried. Not only does the backing peel away really quickly (let’s face it, it’s such a faff to be hanging around with a semi-wet arm for any longer than about 3 seconds) but they’re very light-catchy as well.
Lottie London Gold TattoosI also love that they’ve got some written tattoos as well – would love to see a whole sheet of just writing, actually – lines from sonnets or something. In the interests of testing, I now have Wild At Heart on my arm.. not only the name of my least favourite TV programme ever, but also not a very good description of me either! Not Very Wild At All would have been more appropriate both for me and the TV programme!
You get three decent sized sheets within the Lottie London Treasure Tatts pack, unlike some other more premium tattoos where you get one or maybe two sheets, so for £9.99 I think these are very good value. You can find them HERE.
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