[unpaid/sample/affiliate/ad] So, I’ve had plenty of learning over the weekend – I had just assumed that Heinrich Barth was a sports star or something when I came across the Heinrich Barth product range. But not at all – a famous explorer, born in 1821 who had a fairly gruesome time of it when all is said and done. To cut a long story short, his travel companions kept dying and everything was as difficult as it could possibly be. However, he is noted at an academic who, rather than exploit African countries, immersed himself in learning more about them from topography to linguistics. It’s definitely worth reading the Wiki page (HERE) – poor fellow died at 44 and honestly, I’m surprised he made it that long. Anyway, that’s a long-winded way of saying his name is revived in this travel-friendly brand and honestly, I’m a bit confused. I can’t find anything that suggests Heinrich has been anywhere near Mykonos, although the other scent (amongst a lot of unscented products) is Dakar which makes more sense.

Heinrich Barth No.07 Mykonos Shampoo & Conditioner

It’s not that long since Mr BBB and I were in Mykonos (a trip unexpectedly livened up by a very active and loud nocturnal couple in the rooms next door who we then kept bumping into..they might as well have been in the next door bed quite honestly) so I can relate to the fragrance of the shampoo. It’s very herbal, figgy and fresh and whether it’s my imagination or not, I feel I get something ozonic from it too. It’s exactly as clean and bright as you would want your hair to smell.

Heinrich Barth No.07 Mykonos Shampoo & Conditioner

The conditioner has no fragrance but does a very adequate job of de-tangling and softening – it’s light, so rinses out very easily which is a plus in my book. The shampoo is a delight – it’s unisex so just the job for a long weekend away a deux – I mean, it cleans like any other but I’d defy you not to feel at least a little bit revived by the scent. The entire collection (shower gel, body lotion) is based around travel and we have tentatively booked at weekend in Nice for September so I’m saving the rest to take away – along with a book, if I can find one, about Heinrich. It’s HERE, non affiliate HERE. 

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All products are sent to me as samples from brands and agencies unless otherwise stated. Affiliate links may be used. Posts are not affiliate driven.