Ever since I saw one of my friends wearing the Delilah Ultimate Shine Gloss in Amalie, I’ve been slightly obsessed with it. The colour is the ultimate in bringing life to your face. On the face of it, it looks like a slightly salmony pink and I’m not sure I’d have chosen it off the shelf for myself.
Delilah Ultimate Shine GlossOnce it’s on the skin and lips though, the translation is more of a vibrant pink shot nude, milky in nature, and actually reminds me of some of Stila’s original glosses. I don’t know what the scent is – it’s fruity – but it’s not vanilla and it’s not mint, so that’s a high score on that count alone! I’ve worn this with almost no other make up and also with a navy lid smoky look and it just works so well on either.
Delilah Ultimate Shine Gloss isn’t a new product, but Amalie is a very happy chance discovery. In terms of last, it’s gloss – it isn’t going to stay all day, but it’s much longer lasting than many but not as long lasting as say, Bobbi. I honestly don’t care – I’m prepared to put a bit of extra effort in just for the colour! You can find Amalie HERE for £22. (The web colour chart isn’t exact.. but my swatch is.)
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