If bees knew how on-trend they are right now, I’m sure there would be some properly diva beehaviour! No more bee puns, I promise, but do keep a look out for new Brit brand, Bee Good, and their beautiful range of British wildflower honey-infused products. There’s a lovely little back-story to Bee Good Beauty – based in rural Hampshire, the brand uses honey, propolis and beeswax blended with active botanicals and plant oils and will ensure that some profit from sales is sent back to www.showmethehoney.org.
What I love is the attention to detail – with each order, you’ll get a little note which you can tear up and plant in your garden for a surprise crop of wildflowers. It seems like a very sweet thing to do. I’ve had a go with both of the above products, so first up, Honey & Wildflower Daily Moisturiser (which doesn’t smell of honey – it’s more of a light floral) that is very nicely hydrating and seems ultra softening on the skin. The second product is Honey & Propolis 2-in-1 Cream Cleanser is a bit of a mystery as it doesn’t really specify what the 2-in-1 element is, but it does a lovely, skin softening cleanse that you rinse away with water and a (provided) muslin cloth. There are lots of products – these are just the two I’ve tried, but I’d recommend keeping an eye out for the Honey & Wild Water Mint Cleansing Water because I think that’s going to be the star of the show.
The whole thing about bees is how you use the by-product – personally I don’t like to go anywhere near bee products that use bee venom (no matter what the ‘experts’ say, venom collection isn’t a nice process at all). Bees are constantly under threat from changing environments, so finding uses for what they produce is crucial in keeping our British bee populations healthy. The more resources and money we can put into bees and keeping their environments friendly, the more likely it is that we will see bees start to thrive again. I can’t imagine summer without the buzz of a busy bee.
The site is HERE if you want to check out more. The products haven’t launched yet, but they’re not far away if you’re running out of Micellar it might be worth hanging on til April 8th to try the Honey & Wild Water Mint Cleansing Water.
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