I’ve been sent some strange things in my time, but this onion is a first – and very handy, too! As you know, I don’t often test mascaras because I can only use on bottom lashes (extensions up top) so because this is such a cute little parcel, I thought I’d just run through what’s in it, and why.
First up, a toothbrush. Mascara was rubbed on the bristles and soaked in water to see how much comes away on tissue when the toothbrush comes out. Apparently 2true Pro WOW Waterproof Mascara stayed the course with only a tiny amount coming away – and let’s face it, you’re not exactly going to be dunking your head for any extended period of time!
Second, the onion. Used to test WOW under crying conditions. This really made me smile, because come to think of it, it’s not really an onion test, it’s a crying test and imagine if they’d made people cry to test it!
Apparently, there was a third test – water-skiing! No wonder that’s not in the bag. Three volunteers went the full throttle on a water-ski and WOW stayed put.
I’ve no real reason to doubt that these all took place but as back up, Watchdog’s Test House (they have a Test House?) says this: “With the £3 product (WOW) which makes no claims doing just as well as the £22 mascara and outperforming the mid range £7.99…you may want to think about whether it’s worth splashing out on mascara.” Well, quite.
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