[productsample] I’ve got to confess that I was very glad of the Revive Roller this morning – I had such a late (and drinky) evening yesterday (which included the spiciest Mexican food I’ve ever had in my life!) that I could hardly get out of bed. I did, but I’m having to stop myself going back! Revive Roller is at my side and thank goodness for it.

Revive gives a refreshing minty blast, boosted with geranium, grapefruit, rosemary and basil. I’m a huge fan of aromatherapy products because they genuinely work so well for me – I can’t believe these rollers are £4.70 to be honest. Soil is a South African brand and completely organic with ingredients grown on their own farms in Zululand. They carry an entire range of oils, not just the rollers, and I’m very much enjoying them. Relax is a lavender blend (can’t have too much of that today!), while Relief is a handy blend to apply to cuts or bites for soothing and antiseptic properties. It smells a bit of hay though… :-).
I’m super-impressed with this new discovery – if you struggle to wind down in the evenings, apply a bit of Relax to your pulse points before bed and you’ll soon come to associate that soothing scent with snuggling down and letting go of the day. You can find the entire SOIL range HERE – so reasonable.
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