[sample] Do-it-all balms had their moment and then went quiet for a while but it looks like they’re coming back because this is the first of several new iterations I’ve seen recently. I have a lot of time for meadowfoam seed oil – it has a composition similar to sebum which makes it nicely skin compatible.

Formulated with no water Malin + Goetz Meadowfoam Oil Balm is built to tackle dry patches rather than to slather on the whole body although you very easily could if you wanted to. I’ve been using it on the tops of my feet which get neglected in winter and I’m horrified whenever I take off my socks for yoga, and also on the tops of my hands because it’s a shame to waste the fragrance on feet. There’s always a dry patch at the top of my ankles at the foot crease – I’ve no idea why it happens in that particular area but I know it’s not just me.

Speaking of fragrance, this has 12 essential oils to create a botanical/herbal scent with a little kick of spearmint which I really like – it’s definitely a unisex fragrance and one of the suggested uses is for the beard area post shave which ties in with my thoughts that it might be lovely on just shaved legs to soothe and prevent any dryness. I should mention that it’s cited as great for tattooed areas. The brand suggests that you can use it on hair and lips as well as any other areas but I wouldn’t use it on either – it’s a lovely scent but I don’t want it on my lips and unless you have super-dry hair I don’t think I’d be rubbing it in my strands either! It’s hugely skin softening – little wonder with jojoba, avocado, safflower and lineoleic acid sitting alongside the meadowfoam seed. If your skin reacts badly to cold weather or central heating this is definitely an antidote to pesky patches. If you want to make it go a bit further you can warm it on a radiator first which makes it turn to more of an oil rather than a balm – I think I prefer this as you get a lighter layer that’s more suitable for all over the body. I think if you used it in the more solid form as a body balm you’d be through the tube in just a few uses and at £38 HERE that’s quite an expensive way to moisturise but if you’re using it for tattoos or patches, keep it cool for the full balm.
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