Aromatherapy Associates SpaceNK Open Space

Aromatherapy Associates SpaceNK Open Space

Oh my. Brace yourselves for a proper treat. I’m a big fan of Aromatherapy Associates bath oils – I’d say that it’s easily my most used bath product and I’m very prepared to pay £45 for the quality and the absolutely joy. The Aromatherapy Associates SpaceNK Open Space oil is the only one I hadn’t tried (Deep Relax is my vice!) until this week and it is a delight.

Aromatherapy Associates SpaceNK Open Space

The brief for creating an oil for SpaceNK was clearly to include ‘space’ in there somewhere but actually, the name Open Space fits it perfectly thanks to Eucalyptus oil that wafts through your breathing to make you feel lighter and comforted. It’s also got a slosh of basil, said to be mind clearing, but whatever is in it, it does it for me. I used this early evening – I don’t think it’s one for straight before bed – and it threw off the day for me so I had a proper relax. I work all of the hours and I’m really grateful for products like this that (whether it’s in my mind or it’s really ‘aromatherapizing’ me.. I don’t care) make me feel more balanced and happy and as though I’m looking after myself. I test so many products as you know, and this is one that never feels like work. I’m a generous slosher with these oils – I don’t skimp on them – but in reality you only need a few drops for a full bath. It’s HERE and I cannot recommend highly enough.

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4 responses to “Aromatherapy Associates SpaceNK Open Space”

  1. donna

    Love Aromatherapy Associates oils. I have had a sniff of this one but never bought. Oh deep relax is amazing.

  2. Clbnolan

    Aromatherapy Associates have been an absolute staple for me since discovering them about 7 years ago. I’m never without a selection. When this came out a year or so ago, I couldn’t get my hands on it fast enough & like you, I was not disappointed. I love eucalyptus but this has a really unusual fresh spin on it (because of the basil I think) & it’s bliss!
    I know £45 can seem like a big extravagance but they really work & you can easily get 20 baths from a bottle. I was in a psychiatric hospital for a year where we had en suite showers but only one communal bath (I was the only one who used it actually) & everyone on our ward & the one next door would mention how much better they all felt after I’d had a bath.
    They are utterly indispensable to me! I only wish they did the full travel sets all year round as the big glass bottles aren’t ideal on the hoof. I normally stockpile in the Christmas sale but missed out this year as I was off my game & I’m all out & gutted!

    1. Jane

      I really miss it if I don’t have any in the house.. and it does perfume the whole house so double benefit! I agree that it’s expensive but I feel like I get more than £45’s worth of joy from a bottle 🙂

      1. Clbnolan

        Couldn’t agree more! Baths are the one time my head quietens & AA bath oils are an essential part of that. Easily worth the money for my mental health.

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