Aromatherapy Associates Christmas

[unpaid/sample/affiliate/ad] I’m a long time fan of this brand – I absolutely love their bath/shower oils for their incredible ability to boost my mood, whether it’s calming down or waking up or simply just feeling utterly and genuinely nurtured. It’s been in my bathroom for years and years and I wouldn’t be without it. If you’ve read this site for a while you’ll already know this. So, I’ll start by flagging that my very favourite oil, Deep Relax, is £35 instead of £50 and I cannot recommend it enough. Don’t give it away! The Miniature Wellbeing set, comprising 3 x 9ml oils – Light Relax, Support Equilibrium and Support Breathe was £36 and it’s now £15 – I mean, rush! It’s HERE.

Aromatherapy Associates Christmas 2022

I have this little Moment of Tranquil Sleep Set which is normally £50 and it’s now £37.50 HERE and I’m really impressed with it – both the bag and the eye mask feel properly luxe. The set feels like more than £50 worth if you see what I mean, so it’s a bargain indeed. I’m also a big fan of AA candles – they really give off all the aroma you could want and to me, it’s just the signature of down time. They’ve actually got a very high concentrate of oils (20ml) which is why they’re so generous in the throw. I didn’t know before I started writing this that the candles are also on offer – £33.60 instead of £48 HERE. I’m away Thursday and Friday and had hoped to get this post scheduled for one of those days but I’m posting today instead because I’m worried they’ll sell out!

Aromatherapy Associates Christmas 2022

I honestly didn’t think I would like Forest Therapy as much as I do – it’s just such a tranquil and peaceful fragrance but I’d direct you towards their newest Pure Essential Oil, Winter Wellbeing (HERE), which is pure joy to wake up to (put it on a damp flannel so when your heating kicks it, so does the aroma) with notes of orange, lemon, and sweet davana. I am finding it hard to get out of bed at the moment (not least because Mr BBB has bought a very warm and cosy new duvet and I swear it has a magnet that keeps you there…) so something energising and winterish to encourage not staying there all day is just the thing. I wouldn’t bother so much with their skin care – it’s pleasant but not outstanding, and just as a PSA don’t try the Deep Relax massage oil for sexy time… you will be fast asleep before you know it ;-).

I know this time of year can feel very cynical and I really try not to be pushy (please do bear in mind that I don’t mind in the least how you buy products – via my links or anywhere else you choose) but I don’t think there are better deals to be had on this brand than their own site. I could do all of my shopping right here and consistently recommend this brand because it’s one that I have never lost my love for after all these years. I genuinely think it’s a well being contributor.


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2 responses to “Aromatherapy Associates Christmas”

  1. Jane, thanks so much for the tip off. Just bought Forest Therapy and Winter Wellbeing oils for the diffuser, both had 30% off and I got a little free bath oil worth 9 quid. Score!
    Love these oils, you just feel like the quality is so high.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Ooh, well done!

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