I’ve got to hand it to Max Factor – this time, it’s genius! Welcome to the Max Factor Masterpiece High Precision Liquid Liner – the only liquid tip liner I’ve ever used with complete success the first time round. I’m honestly so thrilled with this product because it’s opened up a whole new lining opportunity for me. And I LOVE liner!
Max Factor Masterpiece High Precision Liquid Liner – thick sideI know, it doesn’t look much, does it? But apparently it’s all in the flow. A little adjustement inside the tip casing means that the product has a completely even flow so it’s like when you have a brand new gel writing pen – that perfect line thing. The nib is a flat edged paddle that can be used at the thick side or the thin side depending upon how you like your lines.
Max Factor Masterpiece High Precision Liquid Liner Thin SideI used the thicker side which gave me the perfect line – and I mean, perfect.

What’s not really showing up in the picture is that the formula is very slightly glossy – I’ve alway hoped that one day someone would make a truly patent liner and the sheen on this makes me feel that one day it might actually be possible. So far the Max Factor Masterpiece High Precision Liquid Liner has not smudged one jot although it only claims to be ‘smudge resistant’ and that could mean anything at all. My finding is though, that it’s probably more proof than resistant.
It just goes to show that Max Factor can still pull it out of the bag – as soon as you see it, buy it! The Max Factor Masterpiece High Precision Liquid Liner is £7.99 and launches in July (but I bet it will be available earlier).
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