I’m beginning this post without I title because I hardly know where to start.. hoping something will come to mind!
You might have spotted in the news that a cosmetic surgery clinic (MYA) tried to place some on-line banner ads of real women pinching their wobbly bits. You know, those bits we all pinch while looking in the mirror – there’s one shot of a lady grabbing a spare couple of inches on her bum and it could be me! I do that! I’ve no objection in general to cosmetic surgery if it’s for the right reasons – I don’t like ‘celebrity led’ faddy procedures for example, but I do think if you’ve spent all your life hating your nose or your ears and you have the option for change, then go ahead. Life is too short. I’ll just add in the rider here that please, please don’t have any kind of surgery at all unless you have thoroughly checked the establishment and done research into the company and the surgeons.
So, the surprise is, that our women-loving, supporting, friendly magazines would not take these ads in their ‘real woman’ format. What?? Sorry, what? But the biggest WTF is that they asked for them to be replaced with ‘slim, tanned models in bikinis’. Now you look at the bum shot:
MYA ImageSo far as I can see that just looks like a normal woman to me – and we’ve ALL done that pinchy thing. What do you say? Would you find this offensive if you saw it on line? What I find more offensive is the tanned model ads that suggest some cosmetic surgery will make you look like said model. It won’t! And anyway, what would all the models do for a job if we all looked like models. Just sayin.
On the one hand, I recognise that cosmetic surgery ads in general aren’t great – it’s not ideal that we have an entire industry that goes to any lengths to make us feel inadequate, but on the other, the MYA clinic tried to do things a little differently to highlight Vaser Liposuction more realistically and were shot down in flames by another industry that’s supposed to be on our side. Anyway, if you want to have a look at the MYA site, it’s HERE – it’s mainly celeb shots to be honest but the section for Vaser now has a diagram pointing to body areas rather than a line up of perfect or even imperfect bodies.
I know who refused to take those ads.. I’m not naming and shaming but I am pretty ashamed of them. Refusing to take pictures of real women in ads is just awful – and anyway, I didn’t know that the print industry was in such fine shape it could turn ads away. There’s a much bigger debate here about how the quest for perfect is out of control, but I’ll leave that for another day.
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