Remember when beauty advent calendars weren’t a thing? Now they are SO much a thing and we have so many to choose from that it’s paradise for beauty lovers.

I’ve been taking a look at this year’s offerings from The Body Shop which I particularly like because they’re working with Plan International UK, a charity both my children have volunteered with which makes it feel closer to home and more meaningful. I like the fact that these are gifts with purpose as well as pleasure – The Body Shop are raising £250,000 across all of their Christmas gifting to support skill training and education for young women and girls across the world. It’s a wake-up to realise that while women make up half the world’s population, they represent 70% of the world’s poorest people.
The Body Shop Advent calendars – there are three – are sumptuous and their best yet, in my view. Dream Big is £45 with a content value of £81, the Deluxe is £65 with a content value of £125 and the Ultimate is £99 with a huge value of £248. The messaging across the calendars, beautifully and vibrantly illustrated by Helena Perez Garcia, is one of representation, confidence and the power of being able to achieve your dreams.

I’m sure I don’t need to remind you that it’s all vegetarian, with ethically sourced Community Fair Trade ingredients and never ever tested on animals.

Inside, there’s just so much! I won’t do a full reveal because where’s the surprise in that, but let’s just say that there’s a special juicy pear limited edition that is so delicious I want to drink it! All of your favourites are there as well including vanilla, rose, mango and banana with all categories (skin care, bath, body, hair and make-up) to be found in secret compartments.

If you’ve found yourself feeling festive but want to add something lasting to the run up to the celebrations, head HERE where you’ll find the full selection. If you’d like to know more about Plan International UK, head HERE.
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