[affiliatelink] I found this cute little kit in Selfridges the other day – I wasn’t going to buy a single thing and then this happened. It’s £12 which seems really reasonable to me to give Dr Jart+ a try.

I really do like this brand – it arrived like a lion a few years ago in the UK but quietly disappeared again not too long afterwards. It’s not even that widely available still but I notice a few more places are stocking it which is probably down to a better distribution chain. But, who knows? Ceramidin is one of their best selling ranges, although their newest is a range called Cicapair for problematic skin (redness, breakouts etc) The Ceramidin is so called because of their Cera 5 complex – to cut a long story short (or to omit the marketing) – which is indicated for dry skin.

It’s really the perfect range for a travel set if you know you’ll dry up on the plane and also for your drawer at work if the air con is robbing you of hydration. Personally, I find it very moisturising as well as comforting. It feels (although isn’t) like a sensitive skin range in terms of being somewhat cooling on the complexion as well as instantly adding suppleness. There’s a generic ‘skin care’ scent to it that is really quite pleasant – if you’re dry or know you will be post flying, it’s for you. I feel like this was a good spend at £12 HERE and that’s before I get into the yellow penguins… so sweet! Actually, I spotted a Ceramidin Mist Cream on Amazon for £19 which looks tempting. I don’t think I’ve ever used a mist cream before other than sun cream. It’s HERE.
I’ve linked to ASOS where the set is also sold because I think that the postage is cheaper than Selfridges. Non Affiliate link is HERE.
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