Snoopy Carmex

Snoopy Carmex

I’m such a sucker for anything Snoopy so the Snoopy Carmex is absolutely perfect. I remember being bought my first Snoopy (dressed in a little red sweatshirt and jeans) when I was young and from then on, it’s been a life long love! I’ve even been to the Charles Schultz museum in Santa Rosa, California. See, I said I was dedicated.

Snoopy Carmex

What can I tell you about this? It’s Carmex, which everyone knows, and it’s a limited edition tin to celebrate the Snoopy & Charlie Brown movie. I’m so pleased they’ve kept the design clean and on point, rather than adding lots of words about the film or making it too obvious a promo. Snoopy Carmex is launching in October – if you’re a Peanuts fan, hunt high and low!

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6 responses to “Snoopy Carmex”

  1. ladynorwood

    We flew from Santa Rosa airport, was very disappointed at the range of Snoopy things on offer (one tiny glass cabinet), but grabbed a handful of the plastic security bags for putting toiletries in as they had Snoopy in an aviator outfit printed on them! I had a yellow American Snoopy lunchbox with a flask in the lid when I was little, it was my pride and joy….

  2. I’ve never actually tried Carmex but now I really want to, this Snoopy packaging is adorable x

  3. I love the Carmex lip balms anyway and the packaging on these are so cute! xx

  4. Beth

    I love Carmex and I love Snoopy what else could I need. I definitely need this in my life.

    Beth x

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