I love BB creams for being the easiest wear bases ever – my personal preference is for the dewy formulas, which MeMeMe Angel Face BB Cream isn’t, but if you need something that isn’t quite so sheeny but still gives good coverage, then it’s doing a pretty decent job. If anything, I’d recommend this for oilier skin types because compared to other formulas, it does err to the dry side of things. I didn’t find it at all heavy on my skin, which is another BB benefit I like.
MeMeMe Angel Face BB CreamThere are four shades – we all know that’s not enough, and from testing, I’d say they all edge on the side of warm. I’ve fallen into that well-known blogger pit of assuming the shades will be on the tubes before I take them out of the box, only to discover that shade names are only on the box! Argh. So, I can tell you the shade names but damned if I can match them up to the swatches. Sorry. They’re Porcelain Pure, Beige Blush, Honey Lush and Golden Glow, and each one is £10.95. MeMeMe Angel Face BB Cream is a good budget BB cream for day to day wear – I didn’t find it especially hydrating but nor did it dry my skin and I think it falls between two stools – BB and foundation – in terms of coverage. You can find it HERE.
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