[affiliatelink] I came across Harry Potter themed make up in my local Boots (and immediately thought of Hayley Hall!) and snapped up the Quill Liner which had (I think) 20% off.

Clearly this is going to be for the die-hard Harry Potter fans only but on the few occasions I’ve been at King’s Cross station there is always a long queue for the photo opportunity at Platform 9 and half so there are plenty of them!
In terms of practical use, the ‘feather’ part makes application feel different but it’s going to depend upon where you usually hold your liner when applying. If it’s far down, which I think most people will be, the feather doesn’t make any difference. The gel itself is adequate and the nib is fine tipped – I didn’t do a long test on it but it gave a decently black line which is what I’d expect. It’s just some fun for Potter fans I guess and at £4.50 (reduced from £6) makes a great stocking filler. It’s HERE and there are lots of different Harry Potter themed make up items from eye shadow palettes to nail polish.
Non affiliate HERE.
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