
Don’t ask me why, but I was expecting these to be a bit run of the mill, when in actual fact, I absolutely love them! There’s no chance of them lasting over 24 hours as claimed if you are a person that eats, drinks or breathes, but that aside, there’s everything to like about these.

There are 8 shades – my favourites being (predictably) Stereo Brown and Nude Spot, but if you like the idea of going bright, everything else is built for impact. The texture is very silky – it’s a little bit sticky til the formula has completely dried on the lips – try to resist smacking your lips til it has settled. The thin film tints feel like they’re not there at all after a short while which is exactly what they’re supposed to do.

Shades from bottom to top are: Purple Tag, Free Pink, Nude Spot, Solar Stain and Stereo Brown. Stereo – on my lips – gives a darker than natural tint that’s incredibly flattering by making a feature of your lips without using brights but I think you need a warm tone for it. I can already see that when my skin tone changes over the summer it’s going to suit me very well and fleetingly considered putting on some self tan just so I can see it! I’ll try and get an Instagram picture up at some point.
The tints may well be on counter already but haven’t quite made it on-line yet – it’s literally any day now though and they’re £26.50 each.
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