For anyone who loves their beauty cute and cuddly, the new Fifi Lapin range launching next month into Boots is spot on. It’s obviously aimed at quite a young audience which is interesting because if you see an older woman in black wedge converse and skinny jeans shoving 8 year olds out of the way to get to it, that will be me.

The detail on the Fifi Lapin Beauty range is gorgeous – little charms on the polishes, and illustrations that are exquisite.

There are lots of products in this range – I’ll blog them as I get them – so this is a sneak peek selection so far. I think if you’re a fan of Paul & Joe then you’ll see some similarities here – the cardboard tubing, the meticulous illustration, the emotional connection that you can instantly have with something like this. Fifi Lapin has been a beauty brand waiting to happen for a long time so I’m really pleased it has.
Fifi Lapin BeautyTo be fair, we’re looking at a gifting range, rather than a serious make up range but who knows where this can lead? Everything is priced very reasonably – the flavoured balms are £6 and the polishes are £8 but I think they’ll be on a Boots 3-for-2 in the run up to Christmas. And to think, I had guinea pigs flagged as the next big thing in beauty, and all along it was rabbits. 🙂
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