Fifi Lapin Beauty

Fifi Lapin Beauty
Fifi Lapin Beauty

For anyone who loves their beauty cute and cuddly, the new Fifi Lapin range launching next month into Boots is spot on. It’s obviously aimed at quite a young audience which is interesting because if you see an older woman in black wedge converse and skinny jeans shoving 8 year olds out of the way to get to it, that will be me.

Fifi Lapin Beauty
Fifi Lapin Beauty

The detail on the Fifi Lapin Beauty range is gorgeous – little charms on the polishes, and illustrations that are exquisite.

Fifi Lapin Beauty
Fifi Lapin Beauty

There are lots of products in this range – I’ll blog them as I get them – so this is a sneak peek selection so far. I think if you’re a fan of Paul & Joe then you’ll see some similarities here – the cardboard tubing, the meticulous illustration, the emotional connection that you can instantly have with something like this. Fifi Lapin has been a beauty brand waiting to happen for a long time so I’m really pleased it has.

Fifi Lapin Beauty

To be fair, we’re looking at a gifting range, rather than a serious make up range but who knows where this can lead? Everything is priced very reasonably – the flavoured balms are £6 and the polishes are £8 but I think they’ll be on a Boots 3-for-2 in the run up to Christmas.  And to think, I had guinea pigs flagged as the next big thing in beauty, and all along it was rabbits. 🙂

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11 responses to “Fifi Lapin Beauty”

  1. These are super cute! Perfect Christmas presents, thank you x
    FloralsAndCoralsx // Our Blog

  2. I know I shouldn’t want them but they are sooo cute!

  3. These look lovely and such cute packaging too! xx

  4. I love the look of the lip balms! I’ll also be one of these women who push kids out the way to get my hands on these. 😛

  5. Oh my goodness how cute are these

  6. yes, yes, will definitely get some of these for my kids stocking. Lola, age 6 adores make up, but isn’t allowed to wear it out of the house, but she’ll love this and Chloe, age 8 will also love it. And then I can borrow!

  7. alittlekiran

    These look so adorable! They would make such cute gifts.

    Kiran |

  8. Alex Waller

    I will be grabbing these whist standing on eight year old toes and bum pushing teenagees aside even if it is for me just to display these on my beauty table!!!

  9. Beth

    Everything about this company is adorable especially the lip balm packaging. They will definitely make perfect christmas gifts or gifts in general.

    Beth x

  10. franklyflawless

    That’s so true, even though this is aimed at a young audience i think I would be pushing the kiddies out of the way too! The nail varnishes look adorable. xx

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