So, I’ve had a very good go at the IGK Foamo Holo Hair Foam – I love it! I’ve used spray in colours countless times and have never come across something so vibrant before. It’s not without its issues which I’ll go into further into the post.

Firstly, like many hair foams, your hair becomes quite stiff – so you wouldn’t use it all over, you’d pick out strands or work (use a bit of cardboard with a hole cut in the middle – thread your hair strands through then spray) out a style that it works for – combed back into a pony for example or braid ends. If you do use it everywhere, it’s a grunge look. be aware. If you comb it through too much, you end up in a cloud of fine sparkles as it leaves your head. If you’ve got curly hair, go curl ends or scrunch it through as you would apply a curl enhancer.

As you can see, it’s very highly coloured and literally jammed with fine, fine shimmers. The colour on my hand is lighter than on my hair and the ‘holo’ differs in various lights. My kids didn’t notice there was anything different while we were in the low light of the sitting room but when I went in the kitchen, they were gobsmacked by my very sparkly blue hair! Obviously, it’s not technically holo, but duo-chrome. It’s very light catchy and I’ve not seen this kind of product done this well before (it SHOULD be good at nearly £20).

This is the product in my hair just after I’ve come back from walking the dog – if I had it just washed and straightened and looking tidier, strands would be perfect. Someone’s going to notice the gin in background so I’ll just flag it up myself! No, it wasn’t my breakfast! You can find IGK Foamo Holo Hair Foam HERE.
Non Aff HERE.
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