Drybar Double Shot Blow Dryer Brush Review

[unpaid/sample/affiliate/ad] So, I am trying not to swear but after last week’s bug I have Covid now so I will be doing just one post per day til I feel like doing a bit more. I’m not really ill with it but I’m aware that it’s coming on the back of another virus so I think I need to be careful. Today is the sweating day – charming :-).

Drybar Double Shot Blow Dryer Brush Review

You may have seen my review (HERE) of the Revlon One Step Dryer from a couple of years ago – it’s still in fairly regular use, or was, because I’m definitely favouring the Dry Bar Double Shot Blow Dryer Brush. To me, it feels lighter and more powerful and gives you the kind of hair dresser finish that’s always rather elusive at home. The main action is the pull through – the bristles grip the hair much as your stylist’s brush does, with strength to pull out all the kinks, although I’ll never be as quick as my hairdresser. So, the grip, combined with the heat means you only really need to pass it through your hair two or three times before that section is done. I’d recommend sectioning into two or three – that’s half the solution because if you don’t section you don’t get that layered and smoothed effect. It’s so that you’re drying your hair in layers rather than in a lump. It took me a long time to learn to section!

Double Shot Blow Dryer Brush

These are very ropy pictures – Covid and bug face – but hopefully you can see how I’ve sectioned and the subsequent smooth look. I’ve checked the specs against Revlon (on offer at TKMaxx for £39.99 HERE) and it looks like they have different wattages which does make Drybar more powerful and faster drying. It’s lighter and slimmer (other than the brush which looks the same size to me) and to be honest, is much more pleasing on the eye. I think the Drybar version is for anyone who needs sleek hair guaranteed in the minimum amount of time and has medium to thick hair. It’s £125 HERE. I remember feeling very conflicted about my Dyson hair dryer which was a sample and suggesting that spending £329 HERE on something that does a job a bit faster than the other things that do the same job but I’ve had it since 2016, it’s still going and I would immediately rebuy, without thinking twice (although it was £299 back then – but less attachments). I used to dry Honey with it too and she didn’t mind because it’s relatively quiet. I think I might look back and feel the same about the Doubleshot.

So sorry, it’s another quiet week – I know you won’t mind. This is the best time to take a break because although I’ve got lots of lovely things to show you, they’re in shorter supply than usual as everyone is on holiday.

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31 responses to “Drybar Double Shot Blow Dryer Brush Review”

  1. Chrissie

    Jane you take as much as time as you need to recover. I have the Revlon hot air hair brush (my name for it) and love it. It was £40 in Aldi a few months ago and I am super impressed.
    If Dyson is good enough to earn BBB stars and a super special Honey paw of approval who are we to argue 🙂
    Take care, look after yourself xxx

    1. Jane Cunningham

      I agree Chrissie, it’s a great tool – thank you ever so for your wishes xx

  2. Karyn Tonkin

    I hope you are feeling ok Jane and that you will be soon testing negative and feeling better.
    I have been debating whether to get this Drybar brush for a while, I have fine hair very prone to lying fat on my head but fluffy round the edges, I wonder if I could get any volume with this as well as smoothing? I may give it a go, I can add it to my already hefty hair tools collection!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      I think Karyn if you have tried other similar things I’m not sure this will be any more thorough at addressing what you need – it will just not address it faster :-))) It will give you some volume and especially if you add volumising product, but again, no more I don’t think than other like tools.

      1. Karyn Tonkin

        Thank you Jane!

  3. Sylvie

    Best wishes Jane rest and take care.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thank you so much Sylvie x

  4. Rachel Clark

    Definitely pace yourself with a virus and covid
    You don’t realise but it really takes it out of you.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thank you, I think it has Rachel – I can’t remember the last time I had to be ‘off’ work 🙂

  5. Anna van Munster

    Wish you to get well in no time, Jane! This later variant of covid seems to be lighter that the first waves (at least for my feeling – had it in 2019 and again last spring and the latter was just like ordinary cold compared with the first one when I got scared to the bottom of my knickers and recovered nearly half a year afterwards), but more contagious alas… (or may be we all are too tired to keep being precautious enough for so long) Don’t overburden yourself – we’re loyal lot here and can take it slowly for as long as necessary 😉

    1. Jane Cunningham

      You’re really kind Anna – so appreciated. I think it’s not too bad – I certainly feel lucky that as a first experience of this it’s not one of the earlier rounds. I’m just tired and snotty! I hope you’re also feeling fully recovered.

  6. Jo

    That’s rotten luck Jane, take as much time as you need, we’ll still be here when you’ve recovered! Best wishes, Jo 🙂

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thank you so much Jo xx

  7. Leonie

    I hope Covid goes easy on you and that you are back to feeling good soon.

    I didn’t know Drybar sold in the UK now! I was very tempted by their straightening brush when u was in New York a few years ago. I ended up getting the GHD version instead (and loving it for those days my natural curls have gone ragamuffin and the easiest way to look polished is to pull the straightening brush through it). Take it easy, Jane, lots of rest – we can manage with your your lovely updates for a week!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      thank you ever so :-))

  8. JS

    Feel better, Jane and take your time – we’ll be here whenever you get back!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      thank you – it’s so appreciated x

  9. Hannah

    Just a quick heads-up – the price on Amazon is £233! (It was I posted this anyway!) sure the price quoted here was correct at the time of posting, but just watch out for unnecessary damage to the wallet!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      I’ll check this, thank you so much for flagging this. Probably my covid brain ….

  10. Sarah H

    Get well soon Jane we will still be here

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thank you so much – it’s really appreciated.

  11. Erica

    So sorry to hear you’re not well and hope you can take time to shake it off properly. No one needs a double virus whammy! Rest up and get better soon.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      It’s rubbish isn’t it! I am definitely on the mend thank you Erica and also a bit bored of Netflix :-))

  12. Sara

    Hope you feel better soon Jane!
    I know this isn’t related to your post but I did what you suggested when I treated myself to a bottle of Chanel Bel Respiro, ordered from Chanel directly, and oh my the packaging, the little pouch, the samples, the box, the tissue paper & even the envelope with the invoice in. Complete swoon xxx

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thanks Sara so much – I know, it really feels special, doesn’t it. I bought myself a new water tint and I’ve still got the bag and packaging just sitting on my worktop 🙂

  13. Ann

    So sorry to hear of your double whammy. Do rest and look after yourself and stay ‘on the mend’!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thank you so much Ann x

  14. Wishing you a speedy recovery Jane. Cx

    1. Jane Cunningham

      thank you Catherine.

  15. Scrapmate

    Hope you feel better soon Jane. If it’s any consolation today has been sweat day for most of us in the UK!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thank you – I feel absolutely loads better now – hopefully back on full form next week 🙂

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