[unpaid/sample] I am certain that sanitizers are going to feature heavily in festive stockings so I’m keeping an eye out for anything that’s a bit different in that area. The big USP with this offering from Nereus is that it’s entirely plastic free. The Nereus story HERE is well worth reading for their innovative use of alternative materials and approach to low impact products.

Because I’m still mad for anything gingery, I wanted to try this, but weirdly, when you smell the contents they smell of licorice – it’s not til the gel is on your hands that you get a ginger shot with the eucalyptus. I swear though, I am still getting a waft of licorice! It doesn’t have that nose-tingling blast of alcohol although it is the top ingredient. Made in the UK, it’s vegan with ethically sourced ingredients. This 50ml is £10 HERE.
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