[unpaid/ad/sample] Visually, the Heathcote & Ivory RHS partnership works like a charm so far with beautiful gift sets and things you can keep in your ‘unexpected gift situation’ stash for not a great outlay but maximum impact.

I mean, how lovely, with trails of wisteria, lilac and lavender (what’s the blue flower? because I think it’s none of the above!). The set contains a hand cream and a fragrance gel which comes in a roll on format. It’s light on scent – I feel like a few more pennies on strength would have been well spent because when things are so visually impactful but don’t deliver in the use, it’s disappointing. However, if you have a preference for light scents you’ll be happy enough with the lilac, wisteria and lavandula nuance.

Already in the RHS collection is Daisy Garland, Trellis and Tender Palm – all equally beautifully packaged and Lavender Garden launches in the next week or so. The same set in Trellis is £13 HERE.
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