I’ve got very fond childhood memories of Bronnley – my grandma used to stock the ‘guest bathroom’ with the gorgeous lemon soaps that smell so lemony even just sitting in the soap dish. They were such a far cry from the utilitarian soaps (Imperial Leather I think) that we had at home that they wer absolutely thrilling to use!

Bronnley always seems a bit of a muddle now – don’t mess with a good thing: I don’t know why the lemon soap is now lemon and neroli, or why they’ve mixed the orange soap (yes, shaped like an orange… where’s the banana, that’s what I want to know!) with jasmine. I don’t think anyone is going after these soaps for a ‘fine fragrance’ experience – they literally just want a shot of lemon or lime or orange. Because it’s fun and enlivening and smile-making.
I do like these soaps – they’re limey enough to be smiley and as someone who prefers to have the option of soap or handwash, I’ll certainly use them up with great pleasure, but if I was making soaps shaped like fruit, I’d really focus on making them the MOST tangy emony or sweet orangey I possibly could rather than going posh with flowers. They’re HERE for £5 for a single soap.
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