If you’re a regular reader of BBB then you’ll know that I’m a big fan of AA – I find the bath oils brilliant and easily the best aromatherapy products I ever use. It’s not often I’m without a bottle of Deep Relax and they really do induce a sense of wellbeing and relaxation. I’m always better for a bath using the oils. So, can the bath salts be better?

Better probably isn’t the right word – I love bath salts, but the last bag I bought from TK Maxx had some gritty stuff in it which was like lying on bits of gravel – off-putting! There is no such issue with the Aromatherapy Associates De-Stress Muscle Bath Salts that with a quick swish, disappear completely, and release a glorious burst of lavender, ginger and rosemary. I’ve used this two nights on the trot thanks to a very sore shoulder and neck and feel that it genuinely helped to ease the aching.
I used three of the spoons of salts each time – probably being slightly over generous to be honest, and at £40 (ish) a pot, it’s definitely treat territory, but the main point is that it feels like a proper treat. I’ve seen it at various prices ranging from £37 to £42 so it will pay to shop around with this one but do check postage which may offset any savings. AA is HERE.
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