[unpaid/sample/prioradrelationship/affiliate/ad] I’ve been really looking forward to posting about The Body Shop Advent – and Christmas actually – because there’s always a bit more to them than others. This year they’re celebrating the imperfections of family celebrations and as we all know, they can be many! I like the little picture of the cat walking about having dragged the lights off the tree – and the fire extinguisher at the pudding? There but for the grace, etc etc. I should also say that I’ve left it too late for on-line shopping but you can call your local store for a call and collect service OR grade up to the Ultimate Advent Calendar which is still in stock for £130 HERE (although the value is far, far higher). It’s totally my fault for not being on it – this brand sells one advent every 30 seconds (or did last year) so I should have known better. That said, I tried putting the Make It Real calendar £70 (the one I have) in my basket and it took it so you could try HERE.

Inside the calendar, it’s a series of boxes stacked into the casing – it seems obvious, I know, but lay it down to pull out the box and then stand back up when you’ve taken your gift out. Otherwise, good luck in piecing it all back together. I’m actually not sure I could! The calendars are all similar so I’ll continue on with the review of the sold-out version because it does give you a good feel for the tone and contents (in the larger size there are more and it’s a different colour!).

The nicest thing I think (apart from the Banana Shampoo which I was incredibly happy to see!) is that each box carries a message that’s a reminder of self-care and care for others too.

The contents of this are more down the classic Body Shop line – shower gels, face masks, shampoo, body butter, hand cream – everything you could possibly want to look after your face and body.

Everything is going to be different this year – self-care should be a focus and if you know someone who is rubbish at their own self-care but looks after everyone else, I think this ticks all the boxes in being full of wonderful things but balanced with a pinch of reality showing how sharing the love works for everyone. Anyway, good luck in your search – so sorry for being too slow with this. Mine is going to be raffled by a friend to fund raise for places where money is needed.
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