[purchase] My travel journalist friend Tamara knows exactly what will float my boat in the world of quirky finds from across the globe. She is very often in Korea, Taiwan or Japan and always sends me pictures from the local Sasa or Sephora if she is in US or Europe, so that I can keep up to date on any newness that might be heading our way. It’s always interesting to see what trends are happening and even more perhaps, how brands present themselves in other countries. I can tell you, for example, that ‘whitening’ deodorant is still very much a thing in other nations.

If you can get past converting your own fingers into, ahem, paws, there is a little set routine for you to work on. I *think* I’ve followed it correctly. I didn’t use any oils or anything because the paws are a very soft and pliable silicone but I think you could if you wanted to.

The ridges that form the pads are surprisingly effective – I definitely felt that I had increased the blood flow after my mini massage (on Instagram HERE) and forgot (momentarily) that they were paws. I am sure Tamara got these in Taiwan and did so because while I usually head to YesStyle for anything she finds so she doesn’t have the bother of buying and transporting, the postage was SO much we had to revert to Plan B.

Unless you have a friend in a far flung land, or you can combine your YesStyle order with some friends and split the postage, there aren’t any other buying options (they’re called Luckywink Cat Paws). In Taiwan they cost around about £4.50, while on YS (HERE) they’re more like £13. These remind me of the hand cream that you can still buy that is supposed to smell like freshly washed cat paws that I wrote about in 2015 HERE.
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