Things (some) Brands Think Bloggers Do

Faff about with lipstick all day.

Never buy their own products.

Spend endless hours eating free cupcakes.

Find infographics fascinating.

Blog about anything just for the asking.

Enjoy convoluted ingredient origin stories.

Have a travel card with limitless funds.

Will work for food.

Have 48 hours of time at their disposal unlike everyone else’s 24.

Blog about every single thing that’s sent to them. Even the eye pencil sharpener.

Never research.

Believe every single thing on the press release.

Are thrilled to get midnight emails.

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13 responses to “Things (some) Brands Think Bloggers Do”

  1. Eloise

    I love this! I wish we did have 48 hours in a day and an unlimited Travel Card, that would make life a bit easier!

    Eloise x

  2. Jessica Rose

    I’ll work for food….well for chocolate….just putting it out there!!

  3. So true! Especially this: ‘Find infographics fascinating.’

    I get them about cars, houses, relationships, money, eggs, the list (of things I never blog about) goes on and on…!

  4. Spot on! Another one here getting irrationally annoyed with infographics; I had one sent to me, starting with “hi there” and finishing with “when do you think you’ll be publishing this?” Erm…

    In fairness, I am trying to make it my life’s mission to spend endless hours eating free cupcakes though. Because cupcakes.

  5. Hahaha! I’ve had unusual fashion requests to mention their company and model my own clothes for nothing – strange! xx
    alicekatex ♥

  6. hahahahahaha this is brilliant and so so true!!! I also have a full time job, but that hand cream review obviously comes first!! xx

  7. Ha, that picture is me everytime I get a “Dear Blogger, we love your blog and read it daily. Could you please work with us on a post about dog food”… erm no! As for cupcakes and lipsticks, I would love too!

  8. So funny! I choked on my drink when I read ‘Are thrilled to get midnight emails.’

  9. I’d like to add ‘Pay their bills with *Exposure*’ 😉

  10. Instead of spending endless hours having cupcakes, do they know some of us are getting sick of cupcakes every/single/time LOL

  11. “Blog about every single thing that’s sent to them. Even the eye pencil sharpener.”…this is so true :))…funny, but true.

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