The Body Deli has been on my radar for ages – I love the idea of ‘fresh’ products for the skin but can’t actually be bothered to rustle up a face mask for myself. I’d far rather make a smoothie if I’m going near the blender. Obviously, The Body Deli Blueberry Fusion Micro Scrub isn’t fresh in the true sense, but it’s as near as anything I’ve known – and it’s recommended that to preserve potency you should keep it in the fridge at home – and to smell it you would think you were about to sit down to a lovely bowl of dew sprinkled blueberries. It smells phenomenal – a true pleasure to use.

I will warn you straight off that this is one active mask. It’s got lactic, malic and citric acids to whip off dry skin cells – once it’s on your face you can immediately feel that it’s doing something – a definite tingle on my skin, at least, and for that reason, I’d recommend that sensitive skins don’t use this particular Body Deli product. The scrubby bit is properly scrubby using diamtomaceous earth (made from the fossilized remains of tiny, aquatic organisms called diatoms – I know, right… who knew?) and feels like a professional microdermabrasion scrub. It’s not gentle, but my goodness, it does leave your skin glowing.
The theory of loading it with blueberry puree is to keep the levels of anti-oxidant activity in the skin high – I can’t prove this one way or the other – but I do know that as a scrub definitely makes a positive difference to skin that’s dull or needs a bit of a perk up. The smell is just the bonus, but what a lovely one – it is no co-incidence that I made a blueberry, banana and kale smoothie straight after. It was delish!
There are several products from The Body Deli that I’m tempted by – the Melon Peptide Creme Gel (can you imagine the smell of that!) and the Coconut Creme Body wash. The Body Deli Blueberry Fusion Micro Scrub is £28.50, but Coconut Creme Body Wash is £14 as an entry point, and Melon Peptide Creme Gel is a bit of a pricy £64. You can find a selection of Body Deli products HERE.
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