Most regular BBB readers will know that I live in London. I love living here – I cannot imagine myself anywhere else in the world. But, on Saturday night there was a terrible incident literally a few feet from my house. Two people were stabbed and are critically ill in hospital. The road was closed off for all of Saturday until the police forensic team had done their work.
In just a very tiny way, I wanted to put the karma back into our street so I put out a little table on the pavement a very short way from my house with two embroidered napkins to cover the top, and piled it up with unused make-up. I added a card to tell people they could take something for free for someone they love. An accidentally sent double set of MakeUp Revolution started things off.

I put my table out at 9.30am and by 11am everything had gone, with some lovely messages left in my book. I made a conscious decision not to have sneaky looks at anyone taking it, so I will never know where it all went. At 11.15 I re-stocked it, again at 1pm and again at 3 til it was all gone.

I get sent so much product that one woman alone can never use (and I do give it out to charity and friends very regularly) so I thought why not let strangers and passers-by feel happy to pick up a gift for someone they love. A terrible thing has happened here, and obviously a free mascara can’t change that, but I like to think that maybe using beauty to put something in the goodwill bank will redress the balance, just a tiny bit.
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