I’ve been using Rahua Shampoo and Conditioner for a couple of weeks now and really like it. One of my main criteria for a shampoo and particularly a conditioner is that it rinses out easily. It’s one of my absolute beauty bug-bears – hair products that leave you standing in the shower for way too long just trying to rid your tresses of gunk. But, happy to say that both Rahua Shampoo and Conditioner are easy rinsers! The active ingredient in this range free of synthetics, parabens and sulphates is Rahua Nut Oil that strengthens weak hair over time, so it is especially good for coloured hair that takes a regular battering. I’m most intrigued however by the Rahua Elixir, at a startling £140. I can’t really remember the last time I saw a hair product at that kind of price. It, apparantly, rebuilds and repairs and can be used as an overnight treatment, a scalp treatment or a taming serum. Containing a high concentrate of Ungurahua Oil, Rahua Nut Oil and Palo Santo oil, it’s for intense conditioning. Needless to say, I wasn’t given a sample of this liquid hair gold, so I can’t say whether it’s worth that price or not, but I’m not sure how I feel about a product that costs more than a cut, colour and blow dry (and probably a glass of champagne as well!).
Using the shampoo and conditioner has made my hair shiny; it feels soft and bouncy too, so paying £26 and £27.50 respectively is something I’d be completely happy to do for great results – I’d liken it most to Ojon hair care, and I have noticed that my hair seems to stay cleaner for longer, so I’m washing a little bit less often.
You can find it online at www.beautyexpert.co.uk
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