Oh, The News! Edward Bess Is Coming To The UK!

For as long as I’ve had this blog, I’ve been banging on about the fabulosity of Edward Bess cosmetics. I have tried twice to find him in person when visiting New York at Bergdorf Goodman, his only store concession, but each time just missed him. And before you (or he) thinks ‘stalker’, it was only because I thought the brand would absolutely fly in the UK and wanted to urge him to start letting us Brits have a piece of the glossy action. Anyway, clever Zu at Zuneta.com has managed to persuade him that it’s time for the EB/UK fun to begin. The range won’t be here for about 3 months, but I know lots of bloggers will be delighted with this news. If Mr B is popping across the pond for the launch, be warned – he is singularly pretty: I am hoping to hold myself back from licking his cheeks and fainting.

Photo credit: www.gregjmarino.com

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12 responses to “Oh, The News! Edward Bess Is Coming To The UK!”

  1. Her Royal Poshness

    Oooooooo *hides debit card*

  2. Sarah♥

    GRRRRR when *he* oops meant brand launching :p I shall book flight to Uk in advance .

  3. Sarah

    Gosh is that him? He’s very handsome!

  4. Get Lippie

    YES! Totally knew it! Good news.

  5. Grace London

    I’m very slightly over-excited by this news. Such a good brand. Lovely fit at Zuneta too.

  6. Glamoured

    One of my New Year’s make-up wishes was to try some Edward Bess this year, so this is very exciting news. Oh frabjous day!

  7. em

    yay! just in time for when I’m in the uk! 😀

  8. dempss01

    I’m so jealous! Wish he would come to Australia 🙁

  9. Erica Amina

    Awesome! Thanks for introducing me to something that’s been just down the road from me. And I’ve never heard of him. What do you like about his line? Anything in particular that’s unusual or fab? I’m going to run over to Bergdorf’s and check it out. Happy V Day.

  10. the legologist

    looks like someone is about to give MAC + Illamasqua a run for their money ..

  11. Loda

    wow thanks for that news. I feel i should be ashamed that i’m hyperventilating with excitement. best thing i’ve heard all day.

  12. UKmakeup1

    Are you kidding me! Who gives a S**t about these products? I got a lot of this stuff because of these blogs brought it back to the UK AND IT’S TERRIBLE! Don’t waste your money!

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