Nasal Hair E-Alert

I’m not sure what to think of this Japanese service that offers to anonymously email the furry nostrilled so they can discretely take care of ‘offensive’ stray nasal hairs.  Called Chololi, the service will mail the poor recipient to advise which side of the nose needs attention and there’s even a level of kindness to choose from when anon-upsetting, er, I mean, anon-texting from ‘scornful’ to ‘mild’. You can even indicate how many hairs caused the offence.

So, in the interests of research, I filled in the form indicating a ‘stern’ option of wording to myself. I got an email within seconds saying:

“Dear Jane

Excuse me, I have something to tell you as a friend.

I noticed that there are 1 nostril hairs are sticking out from your right nostril.

Please pull them out right away. You must promise me.”

I definitely promise, okay. Find it at

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2 responses to “Nasal Hair E-Alert”

  1. Isolde

    silly, we need this for something in your teeth as well! But if you bother to visit the website, can’t you just as easily text your friend… ¬_¬

  2. jen

    This is just toooo funny! I added it to my weekly round-up. So far, I have not used the service, but I’ve got my eyes peeled for someone who needs to hear this info. 😉

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