NARSissist Palette Swatched

NARSissist Palette Closed
NARSissist Palette Closed

There was a bit of a Twitter flurry last night about the gorgeousness of this palette – my initial thoughts on the pictures only were that I had these colours covered off in my stash anyway.. but now it’s in my hand, well, I’m hooked.

NARSissist Palette
NARSissist Palette

I’m adding in my Instagram pics (britbeautyblog if you want to follow) under each one as well, because I think they’ve caught it better even though I’m using a daylight bulb here.

NARSissist Palette Top Row Swatch
NARSissist Palette Top Row Swatch: Camera


NARSissist Palette Top Row Swatch: Phone


So this is the top row – what is apparent is that the lights are very, very light but once you get into full colour, they’re absolutely intense.

NARSissist Palette Middle Row Swatch
NARSissist Palette Middle Row Swatch: Camera
NARSsissit Palette Middle Row
NARSsissit Palette Middle Row: Phone

See what I mean about the lighter shade? That’s three swipes with my little Revlon swatching brush and you still can’t see anything, but then it goes straight into bronzy-golden shades and gradually darker.

NARSissist Palette Bottom Row Swatch
NARSissist Palette Bottom Row Swatch: Camera
NARSissist Palette Bottow Row
NARSissist Palette Bottow Row: Phone

I really do love the lightest shade on this row though.. a kind of pearly-gold, very gentle, but gorgeous and the second shade along was a real surprise  – it looks a dull grey in the pan but on the skin transforms into a grey-lilac shade.

NARSissist Palette
NARSissist Palette

And here they are all together. It’s a 1st February launch date. 

NB: Forgot to say, the one slight flaw with this palette is that it’s a little bit tippy – the mirror side is heavier than the pan side so if you open it too far it tips back. Not a biggie, but just so you know.

NB again! The palette has just gone live HERE.


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36 responses to “NARSissist Palette Swatched”

  1. Neesh

    Can’t wait! Do you know where these will be sold? I have johnlewis vouchers and would love to get it there!

    1. Danielle

      Yes, it will be available in all NARS Counter stores excluding Space NK.

  2. So pretty, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to resist a NARs palette, must have some will power! Are there any rumours on price?

    Stephanie (@hopefreedomlove)

  3. chloe walker

    Looks lovely, Nars products are always so pigmented!

  4. Charlie

    Oh. My. Glob. I need this little beauty!

  5. This is a gorgeous palette & has so many wearable shades, They look very pigmented too. I want this so badly

  6. Oh what a beauty. All over it. I missed out on the Laura Mercier Artist’s Palette and am determined not to miss this one!

  7. I have the launch date pencilled in my diary, I hope my local Space NK stocks the palette!

  8. sumi

    nice following u via bloglovin.. pla visit my blog. if u like it follow me.

  9. These look so pretty! I love some of the shades so much but don’t know if I love ALL of them (especially the light LIGHT shades) for it to be worth buying the entire palette. Something about nars palettes always draw me in though!

    Carly | CBH

  10. Do you know if it’ll be a Space NK/Liberty/Selfridges exclusive, or available at all stores?

    Thanks for the post

  11. ooooh…..LOVE this palette! Such lovely colours 🙂

  12. It is a shame the lights are so light because the dark colours are amazing. Seriously amazing.

  13. Wow, these look gorgeous and Nars do such gorgeous pigmented eyeshadows, I can’t wait to save up for one!

  14. Samantha

    Seeing that first picture I actually said “Oh my God”, this is amazing!


  15. Ashlee

    Such a nice palette, I like that the blacks are quite strong for a good smokey eye.. I hate it when I buy a dark eyeshadow and it comes out all shimmer and no colour.

    Ashlee xxx

  16. stephc

    🙂 it’s very pretty! How big is the palette?

  17. I love the shimmer in the lighter ones. Always find these look great even on their own for a simple eye look.

  18. Wow! Beautiful palette! Wonderful swatches. I love when NARS comes out with palettes like this.

    xx Lauren // Dirty Blonde Ambition

  19. I love the look of the bottom row, slightly more irridescent than I was expecting!

  20. Does anyone know when it’s coming out?!

    1. Jane

      1st February x

  21. The Mimz

    that is one gorgeous palette!

  22. Martyna

    Goodness it’s gorgeous! But I definitely will be trying to get the blush/bronzer/ highlighter palette! I absolutely love your bracelet may I know where it’s from?

    1. Jane

      thank you.. I actually don’t know where its from.. it was a gift x

  23. thanks for the swatches,
    I can’t wait for the pallet to come out.
    Thanks for the amazing post!
    lol I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited for a pallet.

  24. OH my, thank you so much for sharing! Lovely! Can’t wait to get my hands on this!
    Cornelia – Ineffable Beauty

  25. Looks great, all the essential colours in one palette! 🙂

  26. This palette is SO FREAKING PRETTY <3

  27. maybe a little shimmery for me but still…do want 😉

  28. Emma

    Ok “NEED” is a strong word for me, but I think in this case… ugh the colors are just too beautiful! The bottom left corner shade is just crying out to me. I think this may be the first eyeshadow palette I’ve seen in which there is not a single shade I wouldn’t wear. Definitely going on the wishlist.

  29. Sophie Bird

    Jane, Are the eyeshadows in this palette up to the usual standard of Nars singles? I’m really tempted to get it, but I’ve seen on a youtube review that the quality is the same. I’m a daily reader of your blog so I wanted to ask you.

    1. Jane

      Several people have asked me this – to my mind, the quality is the same – a little less soft maybe – but I think you have to really know your NARS formulas to discern any difference and although I know the brand, it’s not in daily use. One of the grey shades wasn’t as ‘giving’ as I expected it to be and the palest colour is no colour at all really, but other than that, I have liked the quality and not noticed any particular difference. I did note that the pans were a little wonky in the palette but this happens more and more and not just with NARS so I can’t say I took any notice.

  30. Sophie Bird

    Thanks Jane. I’m very tempted by it now.

  31. Laura Rachel

    I am definitely getting my hands on one of these! it will be perfect to keep in my makeup bag for on the go, i can do almost any day or night look with it! Great review, thank you x

    Laura Rachel,

  32. so prettyful and love the name <3

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