Morpheus 8 Review – An Update

*I know that several people are waiting to hear about the results of my Morpheus 8 treatment (radiofrequency and micro-needling treatment) so I thought I’d give a quick update. The story isn’t finished yet – I don’t think.

Morpheus 8 Review

The upshot is that it really hasn’t worked for me. After two sessions at The Skin Clinic roughly 8 weeks apart (I began in March and had my second treatment at the beginning of May) there was a fleeting fortnight in which I really did get a result in terms of smoothing and de-creasing. One of the things that was bugging me was that I had lost some weight and the skin on my neck was folding a bit and becoming itchy. So, it seemed like the ideal time to put Morpheus 8 to the test to see what it could do. I try not to choose treatments solely for ‘anti-ageing’ purposes because it’s a slippery slope and it’s just so much easier all round to be accepting. But am aware that that’s what Morpheus 8 is really all about – and what many people want it for. I love my skin at the moment – I’m 57 and I really think it’s okay.

Morpheus 8 Review

After the second treatment at The Skin Clinic, I did start to see some differences in the texture of my neck skin – there was a fleeting fortnight where I was very impressed and then for no reason at all, the results reversed and I am back as I was. Which is okay too, obviously, but this is quite a painful treatment and I’m a bit disappointed that there’s no gain for that pain. I need to be clear that The Cosmetic Skin Clinic is as disappointed and surprised as I am – it’s very unusual to have no discernible gains but I’m wondering if there is any connection to the fact that I had no results from Ultherapy either. In fact Lee, who did my two treatments, said he was not happy with the outcome either – they’re being completely honest about the situation. I know that they are speaking to the manufacturers and trying to get as many answers as possible to come to some conclusion. They’re genuinely being as helpful as they can.

This now puts me in a dilemma – so many people have been interested in this journey and I’m fully aware that necks can feel like a big issue on the ageing journey. There are other treatments I could try – because creams can’t really make any difference so I’m not even going to start on that other than treating my neck as I do my face in my skin care routine. I don’t mind uncomfortable treatments – Profhilo was very nice for both my face and my neck but to get the ’lifted’ look, it would require filler (in the jaw) as well. And that would be on repeat every three to six months for as long as I can stand it/finance it. And I don’t know if I care quite that much or even how much I’m willing to promote neck treatments as something desirable. I’ve even been told of a keyhole lift that doesn’t require an anaesthetic (I draw the line there) and it’s tempting to think I’ve started so I should finish because so many people are looking for answers.

Victoria Beckham Bronze Satin Kajal Liner Review

Anyway, here we are – I have refused a third Morpheus 8 treatment because I’d have had treatments over a period of almost 6 months for 18 months (if I’m lucky) of gain and I feel that’s not acceptable (if indeed it did work after 3). So, the story isn’t finish – I will update again when The Cosmetic Skin Clinic has some answers or solutions. I’ve searched for non-response to Morpheus 8 and there really isn’t anything much out there because the internet is clogged with ads and not reviews, which I suppose is why real reviews are so valuable. I’d love to know your thoughts.

*For absolute clarity, the Morpheus 8 treatment was offered to me by The Cosmetic Skin Clinic HERE who I like and trust after having had Coolsculpt there last year. They did not pay me to have the treatment and I did not charge them for writing about it. We have an open communication and they are happy for me to be as frank as I need to when explaining what a treatment feels like and how I perceive the results.

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42 responses to “Morpheus 8 Review – An Update”

  1. Diana

    I am disappointed for you, and glad to hear that clinic takes your feedback very seriously. Especially that you mentioned that it was a painful treatment. Hope you find an alternative solution!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thank you Diana. Yes, they really are. No complaints there x

  2. Evie

    You look really good. I don’t understand what other work needs to be done.

    I underwent Thermage six years ago and it tightened my slightly sagging neck and chin. Painful but worthwhile and the results lasted for 3 years. Thermage has been around for a long time so my doctor did not charge me as much as she does for the latest treatments. I also feel much better about treatments that have been used for many years.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thank you! It’s not so much a ‘need’ – more of a curiosity and also realising that reviews of such treatments are really important. I think I’ve had more questions privately about this treatment than anything I’ve ever written about. Everyone’s ageing journey is different and we all have different skin so I think (hope) it’s useful info 🙂

  3. Catherine

    Thanks for the update Jane and the honesty all round. I think you look fab and gorgeous and I would never want you to feel that the goblins of the internet need you to keep going! I have a genetic neck sag which is never going to go without surgery which I do not want and so I was curious if anything less drastic might help a little, but I’m relieved that it won’t, so thank you for that!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thanks Catherine! I think the thing is, it didn’t work for me but really I have searched a lot for similar scenarios and there don’t seem to be many. As I say, I’m in a dilemma because it’s something people are so curious about – I’ll see… I am still thinking about it and also waiting for the clinic to see what other options they might suggest and then I’ll be in a position to advise more. I am very curious about the key hole lift thing – because if that actually does work for anyone whose neck is making them miserable it’s worth knowing about. I mean, I’ve tried a threadlift back in the day – how much worse can it be!

  4. Thanks very much for this review Jane. I’m disappointed for you (and me!) too because I read about Morpheus 8 in the press last year and have been wondering about it. I was looking forward to seeing how you got on.
    Now, thanks to Evie’s comment, above, I’ve googled Thermage – which I haven’t heard about before. I like the idea that it’s a one-off treatment and that it’s been around for a while – do you know any more about it?
    I’m not interested in anything that involves anaesthetic and would very much like to avoid getting involved with fillers etc that need regular top ups. But a tweak that’ll stimulate collagen would be fantastic!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      When I was working as a journalist I had Thermage – it was very uncomfortable and didn’t really do anything all that much but that said, I had it well before I ‘needed’ it and it was more documenting the experience rather than the result. Profhilo might be for you – I know that there are many collagen stimulators out there but I question the whole collagen stimulation arena – I mean, prove to me that my collagen has been stimulated! Those words are used often in beauty and yet, what are the tangible results of them? I think it depends what areas you are looking at – I really like Profhilo but haven’t had it for a while.. it’s like an under skin moisturiser (so it is a bit painful) rather than a filler.

      1. Ok thanks that’s interesting. It’s sagging I’d like to deal with – around my mouth/chin and perhaps upper eyelids. I’m pretty sure that’s just loss of elasticity due to the skin ageing.
        I’m a little bit older than you and like you I think it’s best in general to smile and get on with life! But a tweak would be nice to have!

        1. Jane Cunningham

          Try Profhilo and see what you think – it’s very plumping and gives an all over radiance. x

  5. Thanks Jane, I’ll look into that. Did you review it on here?

    1. Jane Cunningham

      I don’t think I have but definitely have on Instagram. If you’ve got any questions though, please just ask me and I’ll do my best x

  6. Ailsa

    Jane, the last picture you posted is amazing.
    In my experience profhilo is the best thing on the market. It gives you a small uplift but an inner glow. I love it. The only drawback, it’s expensive and you have to keep having the treatment. Oh and did I add it’s a big hurt! Worth the price and the pain. Nothing better.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Yes, I have Profhilo from time to time – it’s like having a facial that lasts and lasts and an absolute treat (bar the pain!) Lovely for glowy skin that makes you smile :-))

  7. Antonia Dailly

    I used to have a hairdresser who, when I was bemoaning my grey hairs, looked at me, smiled and said ” but Antonia, you have EARNED them’. I feel the same about every line and sagging piece of skin. Jane- you have gorgeous, bright glowing skin. You are living, and have lived a life, of joy and sadness, of laughter and tears. The experiences you have had are yours- allow your skin to show them to the outside world. I don’t mean people shouldn’t take care of themselves- the exact opposite. Use sun protection, moisturise. But most of all, enjoy your glorious, wonderful skin that is your very own, and the rest of the world has the pleasure of seeing.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thank you Antonia for those wonderful words! I agree with all of them for all of us actually and if there is one thing that writing this site has taught me (because after nearly 14 years we are all growing older together!) it’s that ageing journeys vary so much. 99% of the time I feel great in my skin, 99% of the time I am furious with an industry that equates beauty with youth when that is NOT the case and the odd 1% of the time I have a wobble, like everyone does, I think. However, I am absolutely pro making the ageing process as emotionally comfortable as possible across the board and if that means experimenting before acceptance, that’s ok. I love to have Profhilo which isn’t anti-ageing per se – it’s just a glow giver which is wonderful at any age and I keep my lids up with Botox (I am not ready to stop wearing eyeshadow and want to keep them as long as possible). I’m happy to be experimental if it’s useful information because this is what this site is for but I’ll never stop trying to change perceptions of older women and I’ll never stop challenging age discriminatory words that only serve to sell product through fear. Oh, I’m on a roll here now :-))))))

  8. Diane

    I had Morepheus around the same time, I am your same age. It hurt like heck, esp the 2nd time and I too refused the 3rd treatment. I did not notice good results only bad, it brought out loads of sunspots. I would never recommend this treatment. The spa where I had it done, the receptionist, said that yes they have had other clients not like it either. I feel like I aged my face 10 years. The worst.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      That’s a shame. I don’t think it is a treatment that causes any sun spots and nor would it add any ‘ageing’ to you – it just doesn’t work like that so I don’t think it can be to blame for what you describe although you should have been advised to use strong sunscreen afterwards. But yes, it’s really painful and very disappointing to come away from it with nothing.

      1. Jayne

        Thank for sharing this, this was recommended to me recently and it’s no cheap at all.

        I think these lasers if you are prone to pigmentation beforehand can bring it out, it happened to me too.

        1. Jane Cunningham

          It’s a weird one – works for some and not others 🙂

    2. Pen

      I felt the same. I had two very painful treatments a d refused the third. My feeling is that I LOST fat from both lower face and neck! I am now so heavily wrinkled I feel like crying. Wish I hadn’t wasted my time and money !

      1. Jane Cunningham

        I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way. Ageing is difficult! Try to remember that you are your own harshest critic (we all are) and that what you see in the mirror is not what people see when they look at you because they’re not there to find all your perceived flaws. So, be kinder to yourself and remember that beauty isn’t something you lose, it’s something that changes over time. It’s only media that thinks beauty is ‘young’ looking – the rest of us normal folk see it in places the media doesn’t look 🙂

  9. Rachel Ashton

    Thanks Jane, this is so interesting. I also had no result from ultherapy or Morpheus 8. I also wondered why the clinician suggested filler and profilho along side.
    So do let us know if you find any more out about the keyhole surgery, I’d definitely be interested.
    Thanks so much for your honest reviews, I couldn’t find any similar reviews on Morpheus so was about to book another session. So expensive and painful for no results. Thanks again.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      I’ve now spoken to a few other people who haven’t responded to either so it’s not just us. But, I do think we are the minority. I don’t know if you know of Alice Hart Davis (you can find her on Instagram) but she writes a lot on non-surgicals and is well worth following. I’m having a catch up with her soon so I’ll see what she suggests. I’m really torn on whether I should pursue it further but I feel it might be useful to keep investigating.

      1. Karen

        Hi Jane I’ve had 3 treatments and I’m not sure either. Skin feels softer and also get comments of skin glow ( but only when wearing make up). Still have slight jowls and lines there which is what I wanted to treat the most. Are you on Instagram would love to hear updates on this matter?

        1. Jane Cunningham

          I did an update HERE but I am also on Instagram @britbeautyblog :-))

  10. M Miller

    I am 58 years old. Our necks could be twins!! Like you, Ultherapy did not work for me and was extremely painful. My Derm likes the Morpheus8, so I have been researching a bit. Skin laxity is no fun 🙁 Those darn Platysmal Bands are even worse.
    Thank you for your honesty and outlook on the aging process. Just doing the best with what God gave us.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      I’m sure it’s just genetics and what neck you get is in the lap of the gods. There’s a filler option where you can have filler injected subtly in certain areas of your face which hoiks the whole thing up a fraction. But fractions are what we are looking at … it’s the full on lift or learn to love!

  11. Kay McDonald

    Hi I read this article with interest as I’ve just been recommended Morpheus 8 by a practitioner – I’ve actually come across a lot of reviews saying it didn’t work – also on an American site ‘Real self’ a lot of reviewers say it wasn’t worth the money. The results seem to be quite short lived as well and I did read a US surgeon saying that eventually these treatments make your issue worse as the undermine the ‘matrix’ and collagen support system – well they stretch it ( profilo) sigh – I’m still researching options

    1. Jane Cunningham

      All I can say is that it didn’t work for me – I follow someone on Instagram called @drnataliaspierings and she is very truthful about what it can and can’t do. I’m yet to hear from anyone who says it worked well for them.

  12. C Randone

    I did my first appointment with Morpheus 8 in November in one of the best clinics here in Milan. It was absolute torture! It was so painful I started crying and we had to stop several times to get through it. It also left 2 huge bruises under my jaw. I was scheduled to do my second next month but actually canceled the appointment. I have done Profile, and Fraxel and found wonderful results with less pain. This said everyone has a different pain tolerance level! My best friend just did it and had a completely different experience!
    By the way, I think you look great and have amazing skin!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      I’m sorry you had that experience – I didn’t find it easy either second time around but I do know that people respond very differently in terms of pain. I know people who’ve had it done more or less painlessly and also people who have had good results. I cried during Ultherapy – it was so unbearable the practitioner had to stop and Morpheus was not at all on that level. I tried it a second time and struggled to get though it although somehow did but didn’t have any result at all. Some people are non-responders and I seem to be one of them. Thank you for the kind compliment. x

  13. Arelene

    Hi, I decided to have Morpheus 8, went through the 3 treatments, and had no results. 🙁
    And you’re correct, it is very hard to find this on reviews. Thank you for writing this.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      I think is definitely a group of ‘non-responders’ and I can’t seem to get to reason why some (like us) don’t respond to it at all. I know absolutely that some people can get good results but there needs to be an acknowledgement of non-response and money back if you are one of those.

  14. Maria

    Thank you for your reviews!! Did you try thread face lift?

    1. Jane Cunningham

      In the past I have tried a thread – results are not long lasting.

  15. Linda

    Thank you all so much for this honesty. Have saved me over $2000 as I was about to invest tomorrow!! Have recently started a cancer treatment and my ageing has accelerated, may look at profhilo instead
    I’m 47

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Hi Linda – no problem at all. I think you’ll find that your treatment ‘ageing’ is temporary – your skin will calm down once the treatment (and your worries) are done. Profhilo is a very nice, gentle treatment that will get you glowing and give a softened look. Best wishes for everything.

  16. Patrice Lynn

    Hello. I too saw zero results and was disappointed by Morpheus8. When you search for reviews, you mostly find amazing before and after photos, and claims that this treatment is comparable to a face/neck lift. I was excited to try it for mild skin sagging, especially under my chin and arms. I had three full treatments to my face, neck and arms. Each was 6 weeks apart. Each session was at the maximum setting. I waited three final months hoping i would see a change. These treatments were very painful to endure. and they came with a very hefty price tag. To date, I do not see any noticeable results. I’m very disappointed. For me sadly, it’s been all hype and no results.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      It really doesn’t work for some people. Sorry you’ve had that experience.

  17. Karen Simmons

    I too have joined on the unhappy bandwagon and wish I had saved my money and seen this blog. 3 months down the line after 3 treatments and I can honestly say my neck skin looks worse Much saggier!

    I feel that I need to say something to my practitioner , she was very nice and did correct some botox issues that she created, but I dont expect to get my money back. Caveat emptor, so they say …

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Such a shame – I mean, I’ve seen it work on others but it’s just too random to be a credible treatment – especially as it’s just so expensive. Do check the small print though – if it’s obvious to all that there is no result (although I am not sure the treatment is capable of making things worse) – you could have a discussion with the practitioner. If the small print makes promises that haven’t materialised or there is a caveat that says it doesn’t work for everyone that should have been pointed out to you. At least give it a go.

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