Miss Sporty isn’t a brand that I’m all that familiar with, but the Studio Colour Mono Eye Shadows really grabbed my attention, especially at £1.99 each. These aren’t new products exactly, but there are a few new shades going into the line up – unfortunately, I only have one! It’s Star, the soft white at the top of the picture.

When I swatched the colours, I was impressed with the pay-off – however, they’re a little bit dusty so don’t last long on the eye – if you use an eye primer though, which I do as standard, you’ll keep them for a lot longer which makes them an extremely good value hit of colour.

Pretty much everything in the Miss Sporty range is £1.99 (I saw one palette tip the scale at £2.99!) including nails and lips, so it’s definitely one of the waiting-for-payday brands when you just have to have a new colour but don’t have lots left to spend. You can find the shadows HERE.
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