[unpaid/sample/priorpaidrelationship] Ethical doesn’t quite cover Medeau and it’s principles because one word can’t say all of the things that make Medeau different from most other fragrances. I worked with the brand in a consultancy capacity a few months ago hence the ‘prior’ tag, just so we are clear, but what a pleasure it is that they’ve finally landed, all ready to go.

I (and they) would describe Medeau as ‘consciously crafted’ because the level of care and thought that has gone into creating an environmentally low impact, dye free, sustainably sourced (in the UK) and vegan is immense. I mean, it’s not easy at all, to make a fragrance under those guidelines that a) don’t smell of hemp and b) last. The scent is very much sun hit wild meadow – earthy grass and floral with notes of elderflower, bergamot, rose and jasmine amongst others. It settles on the skin as warm and delicately soft with gentle floral wafts. The bottle, by the way, is 97% recyclable – and glory! the label is straight! One of my bug-bears is wonky labels.

All the ingredients are EWG (Environmental Working Group) classified as non-toxic, which, you might be surprised doesn’t have any relationship with ‘natural’. Medeau Origin does contain some natural ingredients, but in fact, it’s formulated using safe synthetics in the form of bioidenticals which take nothing from the land and are 100% non-toxic. So, in my head, this fragrance is a beautiful wedding perfume, or a first fragrance – that graduation point from coveting your mum’s or auntie’s to owning your own and because of its credentials, probably a fragrance they’d let you have! It’s certainly something I’d consider giving a god-daughter or niece (except mine are probably doused in too much Katy Perry Purr right now) although that’s not a way to say it’s a ‘young’ fragrance – it’s universal. There’s something very French about it in attitude – sophisticated, pared back and elegant. It also goes without saying that if you are actively trying to reduce any potential toxins in and on your body for whatever reason, this won’t add to any load but you can do a thorough go-through on the Medeau site before deciding.
Also, just as a note that only you will ever see on the founders, Allison and Ed, they’re learning, listening and powered with belief that they’ve created something special. Which they have – they’re lovely and so is Origin. You can find Medeau Origin HERE. They send a sample out with the full size (which is £85) so you can return unopened if it doesn’t suit, or you can order a sample (£5) HERE so you don’t have the faff of a return.
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