This is a new-ish launch from Maybelline in the US – six sticks of shea-butter infused blush. From looking at US blogs, they’re getting a mixed reception – some say they disappear quickly and others say they’ve found good longevity. Maybe it’s down to skin type on how much wear you’ll get with these. Anyway, before we get all excited, I’ve checked and Maybelline UK say they have no knowledge of these glazed blush sticks coming to the UK – which as we all know, doesn’t mean they won’t. So far, we aren’t scheduled to get the Buff nude lipstick collection, but I bet we do!

Also, recently launched, the Maybelline Face Studio Master Hi Light – this one is getting better reviews (see HERE) and comes in six shades for highlighting the face.

Which brings me round to the Clarisonic Pedi – a Clarisonic for feet! This is getting rave reviews pretty much across the board, and I’ve already been asked if we will get it in the UK – the answer is yes, we will, but currently it’s not scheduled as far as I can tell til 2015 – so rough feet for Brits til then! I’m hoping it comes sooner and I’m hoping Maybelline changes its mind about the Buff lippies and the Cheek Glaze.
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