When it comes to glitter polishes, you can take your pick on pricing, but you’re very rarely getting anything different. So, at £3.99 each (and a 3 for 2 offer) I think that Maybelline Color Show Be Brilliant glitter polishes are extremely good value. You’re probably not going to be feeling for dark blue sparkles in spring so as a quick seasonal beauty fix, they’re great.

First up is Skyline Blue, then Spark In The Night, Light It Up and finally, Purple Dazzle. Personally, I’m not a fan of glitters because they’re such a fiddle to take off and I’ve been playing with pigment as a shimmery option instead that just glides off much like a metallic polish. Pigments don’t quite have the razzle of glitter and it’s a much more understated look.
Anyway, you can find Maybelline Color Show Be Brilliant HERE.
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